Your adventure begins with us!

Your favorite shows & movies, anywhere.

  • 800+ Live HD Channels

  • International Channels

  • PPV & Premium Channels

  • 5 Devices & No IP Restrictions

  • Premium Adult Channels

  • Movies & TV Shows VOD

what you get

Pay less for TV.
Stream HD channels.

  • Watch all your favorites

    Watch live TV with HD channels including sports, news, local channels & premium movie channels.

  • Straightforward streaming

    No hidden fees, contracts, equipment rentals, or installation appointments. All access for only $20/month. Start watching in minutes.

  • Play on any device

    Watch reliable and clear TV streams at home or on the go with up to 5 simultaneous streams included across your favorite devices.

Only 4 simple steps to start streaming in minutes

Get started in minutes


Login using the credentials sent to you in your welcome email when you first signed up.

Choose Plan

Select and purchase the package that suits your needs. You are now subscribed to our IPTV service.

Install App

Visit our download section for install instructions. Download and install the app for your device.

Relax & Enjoy

You're all set to relax & enjoy. Start streaming all your favorite movies & TV shows.

No credit checks, hidden fees, or contracts

Simple Monthly Pricing

24 Hours of Service

Free Trial

  • HD Channels

  • International Channels

  • Movies & TV Series

  • NO PPV Channels

  • Adult Channels

  • No IP Restrictions

  • Parental Controls

  • View on 1 Device

$ 0 .00


1 Month

  • HD Channels

  • International Channels

  • Movies & TV Series

  • PPV Channels

  • Adult Channels

  • No IP Restrictions

  • Parental Controls

  • View on 5 Devices

$ 20 .00

/ month


3 Months

  • HD Channels

  • International Channels

  • Movies & TV Series

  • PPV Channels

  • Adult Channels

  • No IP Restrictions

  • Parental Controls

  • View on 5 Devices

$ 56 .00

/ month

Premium Sports Channels & PPV Included.

Watch all your favorite sports & PPV at home or on the go. With top national sports channels, local sports channels in many cities, there’s no better place to watch the sports you love.

Browse Plans

Download & watch

Firestick Instructions

Click below for installation instructions to download and install the app on your Firestick.

Download APK app

Watch TV on your Android devices. Download and install the app directly to your device.

Watch Online

Watch TV directly in your internet browser on any device.


What devices does it work on?

You can watch TV on all Android boxes, Android phones, Android tablets, Windows PC and Mac. To watch on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV use the web player.

How many devices can I use?

You watch on 5 devices at the same time. If you need to remove a device from your account, you need to request it be delisted by sending us an email.

Are there any IP restrictions?

No, you can watch TV on your authorized devices anywhere.

What is the service ID?

Our service ID is 558. You will log in with the credentials sent to you in your email.

What payment methods do you accept?

Visa & Mastercard. We used a process to turn your payment into bitcoin for our security and yours, our checkout cart will redirect you to do so, the whole process can take up to 20 minutes, but rest assure, once is done you will get the proper emails with your app credentials.

How do I renew my plan?

Simple, follow the same steps when you ordered the first time. Your app will show you when the subscription is running out. Login and place another order and time will be added to your account.

Is there a credit check?

No! There is no credit check, ever, just easy to watch affordable TV!

Is there a contract?

No, there are no contracts or long term commitments. Cancel anytime. There are no fees for canceling. We’d hate to see you go, but we’ll save your settings in case you want to restart your membership later.

Do you offer refunds?

No, all transactions are final.

We offer a 24 hour free trial so you can test the service before purchasing.

What is IPTV?

IPTV is a way to watch live or recorded videos streamed through the internet without using expensive cable or a satellite dish.

How many channels are there?

800+ HD premium channels including sports, news, local channels & premium movie channels.

Can I use it anywhere?

Yes. You can watch your favorite shows anywhere, anytime, on any device. It works on mobile phones, Android box 5.1 or higher, Amazon Fire Stick, Nvidia Shield and tablets, as well as your PC, Mac or Laptop.

Do you offer parental controls?

Yes, you can create multiple profiles for everyone in your household and set parental controls on each. The default parental control code is 0000.

Is it easy to use?

Yes, we aim to provide an experience that is both intuitive and hassle-free. Signing up and streaming is easy.

Is it easy to switch?

Yes. We strive to make it as easy as possible to get started. You can watch on your phone, tablet, computer, and TV. You can watch live TV including local sports, news, shows, and more. To start your free trial, simply sign up online, make sure you have an internet connection and a supported device, and begin watching in minutes.

Can I watch using a mobile hotspot?

Yes, there are no internet or IP restrictions. We recommend a minimum speed of 3mbps for the best experience and to minimize buffering.

How do I order?

Ordering is very simple! Choose the subscription length, click ‘purchase plan’, enter your information so we can send you the logins. Install our app and start watching!

Need Help?

Contact us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using the form to the right, and we'll be happy to assist you, or reach out at the email below.

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